Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review Software


 Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review Software
Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review is an award-winning human resources management (HRM ) solution. It is packed with robust functionalities and features that are proven and tested. In the development of Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review, business managers, HR manager, and employees are kept in mind. It will help the business to improve its business performance and increase productivity of employees.

Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review is powered by intuitive and robust applications or modules. The 360 Feedback system provides HR managers a better way to provide evaluation on the performance of employees. The simplified network of communicating with employees helps to monitor skills and capabilities of employees. Easy-to-use interface helps HR manager to receive alerts on the assessment of employees. The private communication network of Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review helps to evaluate, teach, and encourage employees to improve.

In the same manner, the Appraisal History system updates members of the organization on their improvement. Employees need to learn their current improvement status to ensure their actions on it. On the other hand, the HR manager uses the Appraisal History to create new plans of actions to train, improve, and enhance the skill or capability of the employee.

Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review promotes Competency Management through the learning management. As much as evaluations are created, learning actions must be planned out the HR department to increase the productivity of the employee. There are several suggested and defined learning management systems embedded in Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review to help the HR manager formulate a suitable learning option for employees.

Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review offers a simple data importing and exporting system. The integration with Microsoft’s technologies and tools offers easy-to-use interface for the interpretation of data and information. Excel and Word are used to aid users in accessing, interpreting, and understanding reports and other relevant information.

The reporting capability of Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review is one of the best in the industry. The email communication system coordinates and connects the HR manager to the employees, and other way around. Through the network’s powerful notifications, HR manager can easily respond to the demand of the organization’s workforce.

For the easy assessment and implementation of functionalities, Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review is built with defined and customized fields. Evaluation forms are provided to speed up the process of assessment. Paperless evaluation is directly reflected to the tracked history of the employee.

Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review is a web-based application that allows mobile integration and accessibility. Users can use the application, access the database anywhere at anytime. The deployment of the solution should not worry the organization because it runs on any major web browsers that are used in any business network. Plus, customer and technical supports are provided to aid users during the implementation and utilization phase of the product. In a short period of time, users can seamlessly use Sonar6 Human Resources Performance Review for the advantage of their human resources department.