Fision Software Customer Relationship Management Review


Fision Software Customer Relationship Management
Fision maintains powerful capabilities and features that useful for the performance and efficiency of the business. Dashboard Reporting allows the manager or any business player to get constant updates, system anomaly, or relevant information. The Dashboard Reporting system sorts out the level of priority for each information or alert. Quick responses are provided through the prioritization system used in Fision. In addition to that, it is easy to defined settings or customizes the reporting writer to suit the current size and business model. Without the help of IT professionals, customization can be implemented quicker and better.

Channel Management features allow the user to understand and manage channel campaigns. The business uses different campaigns and strategies to increase the capability of the organization to make sales and increase return on investment. With the aid of Fision, business metrics are provided to aid the manager in deciding on crucial matters of channel campaigns.

Workflow Management aids not just the business manager, but also the HR manager to integrate capabilities to task. The procedural process of the business network is very important to speed up activities. There are workflow rules that can be utilized to enhance the efficiency of processes. It will avoid any form of job mismatch and failure to deliver the best result.

Fision works seamlessly to provide better importing and exporting of data. It is easy to transfer and relate data from one point to another. It is very important for the network to create better integration with different and existing business solutions. Microsoft’s technologies and tools are also available to help the user to understand and interpret data or information.

Sales marketing is a feature added to Fision to engage the business to customer markets. The Mail List Management keeps a database of contacts, profiles and other relevant information on customers. It helps to advance the goal of the network for email marketing. Through email communication, it is easy for the business to reach customers anytime. On the other hand, social media integration widens the capacity of Fision to reach new customers and nurture existing customers.

In the same manner, lead management is provided to keep the online website of the business in the right direction. It is easy for the manager to track leads as they enter the marketing funnel. It sorts out leads into groups according to their probability in buying products or subscribing services. As much, the customer database can be accessed by business managers anytime.

As a sales and marketing solution, Fision works under a secured network. It avoids and eliminates intrusion of third parties and any compromise of the network. It must be noted that business managers can decide on who can view and access the database. The systematic authorization avoids any kind of illegal access of the database.

Fision runs in the Windows server and platform. As a web-based solution, it works with the Internet infrastructure to provide regional access. The language used in the solution is English with integration of Office tools.