SetSight Business Intelligence Software


 SetSight Business Intelligence Software
SetSight Business Intelligence is a business intelligence solution that works for best of organizations. Its powerful capability turn reports into relevant information for the decision-making of the organization. It works as a sales management, marketing campaigner, and warehouse management solution for businesses that are looking for ways to grow.

It is intended to mid-level markets to large corporations. Divisions and manufacturing units can use SetSight Business Intelligence to improve their understanding of the market.

SetSight Business Intelligence works within the core of the business. It provides relevant information and data that are essential to the decision-making process of the organization. SetSight Business Intelligence is packed with functionalities and modules that can help to deliver timely reports, accurate data, and relevant information to users and business players.

Profit Analysis looks at historical information to see the profitability of the organization. With the aid of the analysis, it is easy for SetSight Business Intelligence to create better understanding on how capability of marketing campaigns and strategies to translate plans into measurable financial elements. With the aid of the Profit Analysis module, it is easy for the business manager to check the strength and capability of campaigns even before they are launched. As a result, only those campaigns that maintain higher and better profitability reports are introduced and used by the network to reduce cost and increase profitability.

Trend Indicators of sales are very important to the business manager and the production manager. Mainly, the business manager can only create illustrated and trusted strategies and campaigns if market behavior is properly addressed. The trend of the market can help the manager to formulate new strategies that answer the current business environment. On the other hand, production managers can easily pool the right volume of stock according to the trend in sales. It will avoid overproduction which may result to unprecedented losses of inventories.

The heart of SetSight Business Intelligenc’s reporting capability is to create financial forecast and budgets. With real-time reports from SetSight Business Intelligence, the manager is guided in the creation of forecasts and budgets that are relevant to the campaign of the organization.

User-friendly interface and customizable elements of SetSight Business Intelligence can help users in the implementation phase and to keep an optimal use of the business intelligence solution. Navigation and integration with different existing solutions are guaranteed to ensure cross-platform usability.

SetSight Business Intelligence can be deployed on the Windows platform, but it is still supported by other operating systems. As a cloud application, it is easy for the user to access database as long as Internet infrastructure or connectivity is ensured. Business manager and other important members of the organization can access the information anywhere at anytime

For just a small investment, organizations and businesses can already top up its business performance. It creates points of sales, and market audiences to increase profitability. Nonetheless, it is easy to implement applications of SetSight Business Intelligence. Customer and technical supports are also provided to aid users in understanding the full potential of the software.