AIMcrm Software Enterprise Resource Planning Review


 AIMcrm Software Enterprise Resource Planning
AIMcrm is a comprehensive and unique lead management and marketing strategy solution. It helps business manager and other key players to interact with customers effectively. With the aid of AIMcrm it is easy to reach customers and pool them for the marketing strategy. The principle is to gain new customers while maintaining connection with existing customers. This would provide the business a better way to grow and expand its operations, and eventually, its financial capability.

The business solution is designed with rich and intuitive interface. By streamlining customer relationship management (CRM), business key players can work to recruit for more people without spending time in understanding how to combine activities. The organization capability of AIMcrm builds simplicity in handling traffic leads, web visitors, and other means to attract customers.

Active Internet Marketing, the developer of the business solution, has been in the market for over ten years. As a consulting software company, Active Internet Marketing creates new business solutions to meet their current demands and needs through modern technologies. AIMCrm aims to top up the capability of the business to translate potentials into financial results.

Small-scale businesses to large companies are using AIMcrm to facilitate their online marketing campaigns. Manufacturing, healthcare, education, packaged goods, professional services and other vertical markets benefit from the functionality of AIMcrm.

AimCRM runs on Windows platform and MS SQL server. As a web-based application, it uses the power of the Internet infrastructure to share information and data across geographical limits. The integrative architecture helps users to implement Microsoft’s technologies and tools. MS Office can be easily utilized for the benefit of users. It is easy to export and import information through Word and Excel to facilitate easy comprehension and interpretation of data.

Security protocols and authorizations are also provided to secure data communication. Cloud applications are often faced with the challenge to withstand the intrusion of third parties. With AIMcrm, encryption of data is secured to avoid leak of information or any financial data.

Analytics features of AIMcrm include the dashboard customization and viewing of information. Users can configure the reporting writer to schedule reports according to the demands of the business. On the other hand, channel management includes forms and data customized to the number of fields needed to extract information.

AIMcrm is an effective customer relationship management (CRM) software. It maintains call center management, customer service integration, customer support tracking, and user interface customization. With the aid of email communication, internal and external communication systems are secured. Contact management and lead management help the business to develop strength in tracking and converting leads into financial results.

For a price of $99 in a month, the business can already subscribe to the full-featured capability of AIMcrm. The package offers unlimited usage of the business solution. It can work with leads up to 100, 000 volume. Forums and customer supports are also provided to aid users in the implementation of the business solution. AIMcrm can surely elevate the business operation to a new level.