ClickBase Software Business Intelligence


 ClickBase Software Business Intelligence
ClickBase is created with powerful components that help it to deliver the robustness and strength of a business intelligence solution. The ToolKit allows the user to link several databases of existing business solutions. It offers a unified and central database that works with the entire operation of the business. Instead of accessing databases of each business solution, the business manager needs only to open the module and the database retrieves data. It provides a confidence level for the security of information and data, shared within the network.

Anchor Server is the main and contingency network or server for hosting of data. It supplies a strong and secured network that can eliminate intrusion of third parties. With the aid of Anchor Server, unlimited number of users can still access and get into the database even when one of the servers fails to load. As a result, data and information are available for the user’s usage in a 24/7 matrix.

ClickBase is embedded with a powerful Report Writer to enable real-time reporting system. Preformatted templates and customized fields are available to provide a better way to report analytics to business managers. Timely reports are very important to the informed decision-making process of the organization. With the help of the integration of different Microsoft’s technologies and tools, users can easily interpret and understand reports generated by ClickBase.

The Web Portal component of ClickBase ensures a secured information system. Permits and authorizations are created to allow business players, supervisors, department heads, and others a complete access to the database. By sorting who can have access, collaboration for decision-making is created faster and better.

ClickBase works in different aspects of the organization to better its customer engagement, business performance, productivity, and profitability. Periodic sales comparisons help to give the business manager a good understanding on how marketing campaigns and strategies are working for the benefit of the organization. Elements of the business details are taken into proper consideration to avoid any ill-informed member of the organization.

The Expense and Cost Management unit of ClickBase works to schedule expenses the right way. It gives the business manager an overview of the cash flow. The allocation system shows and updates who is engaging and using the asset of the company and for what purpose. As a result, it can easily measure the performance and impact of the expenses toward the benefits of the company.

For the Sales Management system of Clickbase, it is necessary to create a timely and organization-wide inventory reports. With the help of the business intelligence solution, it is easy for the company to track pending sales. Sales trends can help the organization to command production of the right stock volume. The warehouse system ensures that all products manufactured will be released and considered cash.

The goal of the organization can be achieved with the help of paperless analysis. Error-prone spreadsheets are avoided to reduce the time spent in accounting and financial elements. In the same manner, it helps the organization to produce accurate financial statements.