Kenexa 2X Software


 Kenexa 2X Software
 Kenexa 2x helps to create a brand for the organization. Employment branding is important to drive the organization to a certain portion of the market, and not just on the general order. The capability to hit specific market or a demography will avoid wasting time in interacting with wrong people. It is a new strategy to meet with the right person for the job faster and easier. It reduces the time spent in outsourcing people and new employees.

The Recruitment Outsourcing module of Kenexa 2x offers different recruitment methods that are tailored to the needs of the organization. Through a carefully research method of reaching applications, Kenexa 2x reduces the administrative tasks of hiring new employees. In the same manner, modern technologies are used to handle hiring process of employees. Online application and processing offers a speedy sourcing-to-hiring process.

The HR manager needs to evaluate employees from time to time. Kenexa 2x offers a unified database with pre-defined rules and standards to select employees. With the evaluation process, Kenexa 2x points the strength and weakness of the applicant or the employee. It provides relevant information for HR managers to decide on the position, job vacancy and task descriptions of the human resources department. There are more than 1, 500 tailored assessment capabilities that are embedded in Kenexa 2x software.

Kenexa 2x software supports the ongoing and continuous learning process of applicants and existing employees. It looks at the current capabilities of employees and source new methods to enhance their skills. HR managers are guided by Kenexa 2x to determine the right training, seminar, and asset learning to aid members of the organization. Through the learning management method, the business performance is enhanced, productivity is increased, and profitability is ensured.

Integration with existing business solutions is also provided. Payroll and compensation system are modules packed in Kenexa 2x to help the HR department calculate the salary or wage, determine cash incentives, and coordinate with banks for payouts. There are three tiers of compensations plans used to suit the right level or rank of employees.

With the global technology used in almost all industries, social technology is also embedded in Kenexa 2x. The traditional method of sourcing and hiring employees are also gone with the commencement of social networks for outsourcing employees. It provides an active method to get the right people work for the company.

For the total impact of the human resources department, Kenexa 2x offers a performance management system. With the aid of email communication, HR managers can interact with employees regarding job quality. This is a private system that will protect the confidence level of employees. The goal is to create a smooth working environment that encourages growth and development.

For only a small price, Kenexz 2x aids in promoting the best human resource of the organization. Mobile integration is available to HR managers who need to travel from to time. It is a grand method of coordinate database and actions anywhere at anytime. Aside from the capability to use mobile applications, Kenexa 2x provides customer and technical support for the full implementation of the solution.