iCIMS Talent Platform Software


 iCIMS Talent Platform Software 
Talent Platform is developed by iCIMS to provide an HR solution to different organizations in North America and throughout the global business environment. With robust and powerful features, Talent Platform aims to keep employee branding, automated talent recruitment, and coordinated talent training. The functionality of Talent Platform helps the HR department to pool the right set of people for better business performance.

As a highly-integrative business solution, Talent Platform relates with existing software and technologies used by the business. Organizations are not required to replace their existing hardware and software components to utilize iCIMS Talent Platform.

iCIMS Talent Platforms works on four key areas of the business, including branding and communication, recruitment, onboarding, and integration. Branding and Communication integrates with social connect portal capabilities to speed up the process of profiling employees. In talent outsourcing and marketing strategies, Talent Platform uses employment branding to drive specific type of people to join the network. With the on-the-go and always ready talent communication plans, it is easy for the HR department to get the necessary set of individuals who can optimize results and potentials of the organization.

The recruitment process is simplified and unified through a central database. Single-click employee statements and profiles help in automating sorting and categorical classifying of applicants. In the same manner, the marketing and recruitment analytics provides relevant information on how HR advertising and classified ads are working to generate applicants. Social media and other modern technologies are tapped to enhance the capability of the organization to acquire employees.

iCIMS Talent Platform promotes speedy training, developments, and adaptation. With the aid of the onboarding capability of the HR solution, new talents are converted into company’s assets who can provide higher and better business performance. An employee monitoring system is available to provide real-time feedback and commentaries on decisions and actions of employees. As a result, paperwork trainings become the portal for the short period of adaptation for employees. Anytime soon, they can work in full potential to fill in vacancies.

Aside from streamlining HR activities, iCIMS Talent Platform is a highly-integrated comprehensive business solution. It transitions and connects with the payroll system used by the organization. With the aid of the simplified payroll and accounting coordination, financial obligations, sending of salaries and wages, or the computation of additional cash incentives are done quicker and better.

As a web-based HR solution, the organization pays only on the size and the number of functionalities they enjoy. It is a cost-effective scheme designed to meet needs of small-scale businesses to mid-level organizations. It also provides a way to access information anywhere at anytime with the aid of mobile integration. As long as the Internet infrastructure is supported by the device, iCIMS Talent Platform will work.

Currently, iCIMS Talent Platform serves companies across different industries and vertical markets. Financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, technology, service, and distribution are markets or industries that are utilizing iCIMS Talent Platform to aid their HR department. For concerns of technical support, a 24/7 customer line is available to handle problems and issues of networks.