Lumesse ETWeb Software


 Lumesse ETWeb Software 
Lumesse ETWeb promotes a better Learning Management. It gives employees a chance to improve their skills and capabilities. The HR solution uses results of evaluation and scans data of the employee to source the right learning and training enhancement suitable for the person. It increases the capability of the HR manager to streamline specific trainings and resources that will hype the knowledge of the person. Learning Management keeps employees in the on-going learning system to ensure their development and progress. The organization can still benefit from the improved capabilities of employees.

The Performance Management of Lumesse ETWeb helps the HR manager to see the direction of the organization. It realigns the entire organization to the objectives, and goals set beforehand. Through the performance management module, it is easy for the HR to evaluate units or divisions, as well as employees. This is an important part of the Learning Management system. The result of the Performance Management module becomes the basis for the action of the HR for trainings and seminars.

In the same manner, the 360 feedback module helps to single out and personalize the approach of on-boarding or personnel evaluation. Through an open communication, the HR manager can easily reach the employee to provide feedback. Comments and feedback become the basis for the improvement of employees. However, it is necessary for the HR manager to keep the 360 feedback system private and secured to avoid demoralizing employees.

The Skills and Competency Management module matches the right person for the job. The evaluation of performance and the relevant information on strengths and weaknesses of employees become the guide of the HR manager to match labor to task descriptions. A clearer matching of labor and jobs will avoid understaffing or overstaffing, which may disrupt the provision of productivity and efficiency. With Lumesse ETWeb, every single employee is placed in the right position or unit, wherein he or she has the chance to grow and improve.

At the end of the line, actions and plans of the HR department ensures a smooth Succession Planning. Planning employment succession will avoid downtime of business performance when employees resign or leave the office for a period of time. It is necessary for the organization to strive and thrive even at the loss of a business player. Succession Planning looks for the potential labor contingency and prepares the person for the job. Lumesse ETWeb is packed with pre-defined strategies to ensure smooth succession.

The achievement of the goals and objectives of the HR department depends on the powerful outlay of analytics and report. Relevant information and data are easily scattered throughout the network to provide HR managers and business executive better overview and control of the business operation and activities.

For only a fraction of investment, businesses and organization can already use the potential of Lumesse ETWeb to increase the business performance without accruing large cost. With the easy-to-implement system, users can easily understand and utilize the optimal usage of Lumesse ETWeb. Plus, customer and technical supports are available to answer anomalies and issues without delays.