Help Scout Software Customer Relationship Management Review


Help Scout Software Customer Relationship Management 
Providing assistance is necessary for companies to guarantee customer satisfaction, particularly if they are retailers. Fortunately, programs such as Help Scout were developed to provide utmost service to clients but with features that are considered groundbreaking today.

This application is a help desk solution presented in 2011. Its breakthrough feature is its discrete support desk feature that seems like conventional emails sent to clients. Designed for small businesses and corporate teams, this program makes way for numerous benefits due to this property.

On the support team’s dashboard, the whole interface looks like a helpdesk with loaded mails coming from customers. This easy to manage interface allows users to see the emails equipped with real-time reporting. Real-time alerts will let team members know if someone is dealing with a certain email so they don’t need to answer the query. This lessens mistakes and wasted time due to answering the same mail.

Customers, on the other hand, will only see a regular email display. Typically, emails answered through help desk look like templates so consumers will know that they are customer support from a team. The downside of this interface is clients will not feel that real people deal with their concerns. Through Help Scout, clients will see responses from helpdesk like a regular email using a personal email address. Clients will then be confident that their inquiries were answered by helpful staff and have a good impression of the company.
This program is designed to require lesser maintenance. Helpdesk mails have templates that require customization regularly. This consumes time while increases potential mistakes, especially if the employee was unable to edit the template thoroughly.

What makes this program remarkable is its fully collaborative nature set for employees. After receiving an email for inquiries, they can assign conversation to the other personnel who could answer the query. This collaboration aids in dealing with clients’ inquiries at the fastest time possible. The right person will also be informed about the issue and can notice whether the same problem occurred to other clients.

Help Scout also permits access to different functionalities necessary providing service. For example, it shows records of past conversations with a client, so they can track down and see how it can help them solve specific issues. Furthermore, this program is also powerful enough to get client’s social profile information, which will be helpful for answering potential problems they encountered. The goal is to know what the clients need based on their other information like demographics, locations, and a lot more. This lets helpdesk personnel know more about their customers and properly deal with them.

Help Scout is a fully customizable program with easy to use interface so employees will not have any problems using the application to deal with their inquiries. Smaller businesses or retailers will find this a good solution that fit their budget and specific needs as small businesses. Two up to 30 people in a company can use this program, which is the usual size of customer support for this business size.