BI360 Suite Business Intelligence


BI360 Suite Business Intelligence
Corporate competitions become tougher nowadays and require various digital investments like BI360 Suite. This application is an Excel-based program developed by Solver, Inc. and powered with breakthrough technology that takes business intelligence reporting to the next level.

Microsoft Excel is a program widely used in the business world. As BI360 Suite based on this office solution, it gives users an idea of its ease to use interface and with lesser maintenance requirement compared to other business application suites today. Even with its interface design, Solver designed the application with a powerful and genius set of features that make financial reporting easier than before.

Budgeting module for reporting is the top feature offered by this business intelligence suite. It presents expenditures, budgeting, sales, and other details necessary in generating financial reports for a company. BI360 Suite features an easy to use dashboard that allows dragging financial statements to the program for generating reports. Entrepreneurs can create reports using templates pre-set by BI360 developers or they can design their own templates that match their preferences. Reports generated are fully customizable by adding various details like balance sheet, fixed assets, KPIs, inventories, HR details and a lot more. This makes this suite an effective solution in coming up with detailed financial reports for a company.

BI360 Suite is compatible with other programs used within a company. It can be integrated with programs such as SAP Business One, GP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, and other popular solutions widely employed in the business world. Thus, minimizing the need for buying new software solutions only to make them work flawlessly with this suite.

Financial reports are better presented with visualizations like graphs. Graphs are shown as data are generated on the dashboard so the raw report is easier to understand aside from simply looking at the numbers. Various department data focusing on finances can be consolidated in one report if a company requires it. They can be consolidated without problems so reports are generated faster and help companies in thinking of a good financial move for their success.

This application suite can also share the completed report through the company’s ERP system or intranet site for other employees to access. Presented as Microsoft Excel file, the loaded report will automatically connect to the financial database within the company for viewing. Reports are compatible with Excel 2007 and 2010 so users can view them with ease. Simultaneously, reports can also be generated as PDF and Excel file and viewed through mobile devices.

What makes BI360 Suite a good application to use is it stays with a company as it expands. Entrepreneurs can add new details once new departments, staff, and other sales once their companies started to expand. Hence, the program can be regarded as a long-term business investment.

BI360 Suite presents with a wide array of features utilized for generating financial reports. The suite comes with training and other documentations needed for using the program. Supporting documents coming from Solver are also available as it presents case studies entrepreneurs will find useful in the long run.