PeopleAdmin SelectSuite Software


PeopleAdmin SelectSuite is a robust human resources management (HRM) solution used by companies throughout the globe. As the fastest growing software technology, PeopleAdmin SelectSuite aims to provide better solution for the organization. It targets to reduce the cost of hiring employees, and making them assets of the company.

PeopleAdmin SelectSuite promotes branding your website for the employment purposes. Employment branding is an important part of the systems capability. It targets the demographic applicants to reach them better. Organizations should have the capacity to reach the demographic potential employees to fast-forward the sourcing-to-hiring process. With the aid of the capability and functionality of PeopleAdmin SelectSuite, the website becomes a portal for the receiving of applications, resumes, and other relevant employment information.

As a recruiting software, pre-defined rules are used to scan resumes and applications. It sorts out and weights applicants based on keyword scan, tagging, and other defined settings. The HR manager needs only to reach the topmost applicants. As a result, it saves the time to hire the best person for the job, and the HR manager can have ample time to decide on matters than handle the administrative phase of the job.

On-boarding system prepares the new employee to the culture of the job. Task descriptions are provided to employees to help them understand their role in the organization. The open communication system helps to monitor and evaluate new employees from time to time. The HR manager can communicate with the new employee to check the progress of performance. Within the shortest possible time, the new employee becomes an asset to the organization.

Aside from the on-boarding management system, PeopleAdmin SelectSuite also supports the capability to evaluate performance of individuals, units, or the entire organization. In aid of the business solution, the HR manager’s jobs in coordinating and keeping the performance of employees at the peak are streamlined through the HR solution. From time to time, the HR manager must evaluate the performance of employees to ensure that quality of provisions.

The evaluation process is an important part of the organization’s growth. PeopleAdmin SelectSuite uses the evaluation to give HR managers an overview of trainings and seminars that are available to increase performance and efficiency. There are several defined and customized networks and pre-screening questions available to help in evaluating performance.

Historical metrics and current employee analytics are very important to the empirical understanding of the organization’s performance. Nonetheless, the HR solution ensures that the organization complies with the requirements and standards set by the government or other governing body.

PeopleAdmin SelectSuite can be deployed and utilized using major web browser. There is no need for the organization or the business to buy new hardware and software components for PeopleAdmin SelectSuite to work. As a cloud application, it allows the business manager to access database anywhere at anytime. Accessibility and flexibility are advantages that businesses should not miss with PeopleAdmin SelectSuite.

For only a small price, the organization can already step out of its traditional human resources system. PeopleAdmin SelectSuite modernizes the entire workforce to make it more productive and powerful. Customer and technical supports are provided to aid users in the implementation and utilization phase.