Video Marketing - Why It is Necessary for an Internet Business

If you are an Internet marketer and you haven’t harnessed the power of using video marketing, then you are missing a lot of possible traffic and sales. Video marketing has been used by many Internet marketers for several years. At present, many of the most successful Internet marketers produce sales pages that contain video content. Not to mention that many of them use YouTube to drive traffic to their product’s website.

Whether you are new to Internet marketing or whether you have been selling on the Internet for some time, now is the right time to start upgrading your sales tactics by including video marketing. Here are more reasons why.

* YouTube is the third most visited website on the Internet

Consider how many potential website visitors and buyers you could have been missing because you did not upload a relevant video of your product on YouTube.

You can use interesting and relevant videos to make YouTube users interested in your product. You can use humor, “shock factor,” or creative titles to entice people to finish the video and to visit your website.

* Videos, when used properly, are more hypnotic that text sales pages

Video marketing uses moving media, sound, images and text in order to connect with your visitors. This makes it several times more powerful that traditional Internet marketing that uses long sales pages. Of course, this is not to say that sales texts no longer work. But combine sales text with video and you have a very powerful tool.

Also, when you have an interesting video on your sales page, people are not likely to skip the video to get to the very end. Most of your audience, once you grasp their attention, will stay with you till the end of your presentation. Now, compare this with the sales page containing a long sales letter. Many website visitors will confess that they never read the whole sales page.

By using video marketing, you also get to highlight an aspect of your product. This is quite the same as what copywriters do when they put bullet points, bold letters, boxes and red texts on your sales pages. But with sales letter, there is still a high probability that buyers will miss these important points. This is lessened when you highlight these selling points in your video marketing campaign.

* Video marketing allows you to represent your product

In general, more people trust someone who speaks with them and who presents himself or herself as the owner of the product. This shows how sincere you are in getting your message through and that you are willing to vouch that your product can deliver what you promise.

While an ordinary sales page can also do this, and while you can also place your real name and your picture on your sales page, your sincerity shows once you speak to your audience.

If you are now convinced that video marketing is a way to boost your current and future Internet marketing campaign, get your camera and start shooting those videos.