Video Marketing Ideas for Beginners

The main problem of Internet marketing beginners when it comes to video marketing is not knowing how to do it, what to put in their videos, and why they should to it. Video marketing is a method that uses videos in order to increase traffic to one’s website and to general more sales for a product. This process may include uploading videos on video sharing sites (such as YouTube and and using videos on your sales pages and blogs.

Now, the next question would be “what should be the content of the videos?” The answer to that may vary from one product to another and depending on your target market. However, here are some video marketing ideas.

1. Use anything that will be interesting to your target market

Shock factor, humor, and beauty may all work in attracting the attention of viewers. As much as possible, use a video that is relevant to your product. Once you are able to grasp their attention at the beginning of the video, make sure that you keep it until the end so that you will be able to invite them to visit your sales page.

Also, an interesting video is something that Internet users would like to comment on and share with their friends. This is viral video marketing. Although not all of your viewers will end on your sales page, many of them will invite their friends to view your video.

2. Produce a commercial for your product

Have you imagined how you would present your product if you were given a 30-second advertisement slot on TV? Now, set aside TV advertising because that is way too expensive. Upload your product presentation on video sharing sites using keyword-rich and interesting titles. You may also look for websites, games or events that allow video advertising and buy a slot for your product.

3. Create an infomercial

And infomercial is a long commercial and is primarily geared towards providing more information. For example, if you are selling a guide on how to quit smoking, you may create an infomercial on the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. By then end of the infomercial, you may introduce your product and explain how it will help people who would like to get over their cigarette smoking.

4. Use tips and how-to’s

A huge number of Internet users search for step-by-step guides, how-to’s and tips on doing certain tasks and hobbies. While the text in many how-to sites and blogs may be enough for some of these Internet users, it is definitely helpful if there are videos that show how these things are being done. Many “how-to” sites are picking up to this, that they now allow their users to upload or embed videos in their step-by-step guides.

Now that you have several ideas on how to begin your video marketing strategy, prepare your video camera and start shooting. It will also help a lot if you include a video of yourself. You will connect more with your potential buyers if you speak directly to them.