Video Marketing - Going Beyond YouTube Uploads

Many people think that video marketing is just about creating a video, uploading it to YouTube, and then waiting for the traffic that will come to your site. While that is primarily the goal of video marketing, there are other things that you may do aside from uploading your new video to YouTube, which is currently the most popular video sharing site.

* Use proper video titles

Proper titling of videos mater a lot when it comes to video marketing and search engine optimization. Be sure to use relevant keywords when creating a title for your videos. As much as possible, do not use dates in the titles of your videos (unless necessary, of course). Instead, use the allotted space to encourage YouTube users to watch your video. Do have a video on arm exercises? Then, it would be better to use “Effective Arm Strengthening Exercises,” instead of “Arm Exercises – video 1.”

* Upload your videos to other video sharing sites

There is no denying that YouTube gets the most traffic of all the video sharing sites. But this should not be the reason for you to ignore these sites when it comes to your video marketing campaign. Metacafe gets more than 3 million visits each month. gets more than 1 million views a month. has more than 1 million unique visitors in one day. These numbers may seem small compared with YouTube, but these are also potential video viewers, traffic to your site, and, eventually, buyers.

* Post videos on your pages

If you’ve used videos to get traffic to your website, it is just as neat to place videos on your pages as well. Although you may also use the same videos that you’ve uploaded to the video sharing sites, it is better if you create a video which was made specifically for your website.

Keep in mind that your YouTube video has got them interested to visit your website. Now that they are on your pages, it will just bore them to see the same videos that you have on YouTube. Get them hooked even more by showing how your product can address their need. As the website owner, you may also start connecting with your visitors. Show them a video of yourself and how much you believe in your product.

* Create a blog and add videos to it

Another way to get more traffic to your website is to create a blog. Blogs with a lot of original content get indexed by the search engines faster. And then, use your blog to direct your readers to your sales page.

It some studies, it shows that blog visitors stay longer if there are videos on the pages. For the videos on your blogs, you may just embed your YouTube videos. A better option is to host the video file yourself or you may use S3 by Amazon.

Effective video marketing will bring more traffic to your sales pages. Do not limit yourself to YouTube. Going beyond YouTube will even make your video marketing campaign more successful.