Why You Should Use WordPress to Build Your Website


Perhaps, one of the frustrations that small business owners have is updating their websites. Fresh contents are essential to get high search engine rankings. This is why updating the website is not just important, but vital to its success. But the overhaul requires a great amount of energy that business owners need to spend evenings and weekends before their computers. For those who don't have the technical knowledge and time, hiring a webmaster costs much.

Is there a tool that handles website updates automatically without going to the core of the programming language? What is the best possible way to update a website faster and easier?

WordPress comes for the rescue. WordPress is more than just the most popular blogging platform, it is also a Content Management System for building a website, a blog, or the combination of the two. This CMS is an optimized blogging platform for easy publishing and changing of website contents.

Top Reasons Why WordPress is Essential in Building a Website

Here's 7 reasons why you should use WordPress to build your business website:

  1. Design Flexibility
    WordPress runs on a structured database that allows quick changes and “Themes” for function and design. There are pre-built WordPress themes, both free and paid, that can be implemented and customized. A professional designer can build a WordPress theme for the design and function of the website. This allows limitless adjustments, customizations, and implementations.

    The popularity of WordPress is a great advantage in terms of available premium themes covering all niches. If you spend time for research, you can surely find themes that meet your needs.

  2. Functional Flexibility
    The innovative Plugin system allows users to download a “third-party” plug-in to give the website a contact form, a cleaner picture slider, advertisements, etc. Open-source WordPress plug-ins can help you in making the website look the way you want it. As the business grows, WordPress grows with you. You will never outgrow or outsize this platform. There is no end in making the website looks a sales page, an opt-in page, an e-commerce site, an affiliate program, or a membership site. Literally, there are thousands of free plug-ins for the WordPress site.

  3. Security

     According to a recent study of Symantic, church websites are more risky to visit than pornographic websites. Out-dated technology allows robots to insert viruses and malware into the php language line of most church websites. These attacks do not just damage the current architecture of the website, but it fosters customers' distrust which damage business branding. 

    WordPress is built on solid architecture eliminating security holes. This is why it can reduce risks of automated and systematic hacking compared to sitebuilders. Moreover, the active community of WordPress locates and fixes security holes faster after a version is released. This way, WordPress cements its programming architecture. 

  1. Search-Engine Friendly

    What website wizards, old website software, and sitebuilders lack, WordPress yields. An almost-perfect programming mark-up makes Google love WordPress websites. This eases Google in crawling on these websites. If search engines favor WordPress, so do customers. WordPress websites work perfectly with their browsers in cutting edge speed.

    Extended plug-ins are available to link into social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. This way you can share contents with millions of people around the world. Mobile responsiveness and compatibility is another plus. Accessing the Internet through mobile devices have grown and the trend is having an upward climb, and you have to keep the website readable in this format.

  2. Level of Users Access

     WordPress software runs within the website's server. This way edits and changes can be made anywhere. And WordPress user system allows the administrator to define level of access and roles of employees. Instead of giving employees control over the website, business owners can create accounts for employees with their own passwords and usernames. 

  1. Simplicity & User-Friendly

    You don't need to be a web expert to use WordPress. WordPress is a dream come true for website builders to cut time and stress. It may sound overrated, but your dashboard itself offers assistance and tutorials on how to use it. The dashboard gives you an overview of your website's contents and activity.

  2. Resources & Community

    WordPress can be downloaded freely as it is not proprietary. The software is copyrighted under the GNU General Public License. This means anybody can look at the code, check its loopholes, and fix any vulnerabilities and weaknesses. As a result, the million-strong active members of the WordPress community can share regular upgrades and updates on the software.

    Not limited by a company's restriction, WordPress maintains cutting edge and unlimited resources. Documentations, knowledge-based articles, manuals, and tutorials abound. Wordpress itself has a plethora of “help” articles and several forums.

If you are looking for a superb blogging platform or a Content Management System, WordPress is impeccable. With capability to post contents and promote the business to million people with just a click, no doubt, WordPress is the right one to be used in building a website.