Colors Matter – Understanding Selling Colors


A successful online store or any website follows a simple rule in marketing. Keep the website attractive, appealing and powerful with effective colors. The store must invite the split-second attention of web users, and translate that short span of time into great realities of conversion and sales.

Color plays an important role in creating an inviting and attractive online store. In its essence, colors must work with the technology of the website. Second, colors must effectively convey the right message or information to web users and online shoppers. The rule of color optics in website design is as important as the 'brick and mortar' store product arrangement and marketing. Forget about colors – and the online store goes to nothing.

Understanding Color Psyschology

The brain translates colors into patterns and information. How will the color affect the behavior of the person? What is the first reaction of a person on seeing a certain color? In creative online store design, color matters.

A certain color has a distinct meaning that is directly affected by myriad of factors, including personality, demographic culture of a region, education, status in the society, and perception. Either, consciously or subconsciously, color commands emotions on a person. Color tells 'danger', 'cleanliness', 'calmness', and other perceived emotions.

If you want to declare the store's stability and comeliness, choose green and its shades. The color of trees explain a healthier planet, a better place to live, and a better item. Green applies best for health and body supplements, or other health-related products, as well as earth-friendly products. It creates an approachable and casual appeal to paint the store's atmosphere.

Do you know why Apple has been successful in marketing its iPad and iPhone? Steve Jobs followed a simple rule. Keep the product cheerful and friendly-looking for people to buy them. If you want to appeal on the innate purity, simplicity, and hope of the human heart, white works best. The cleanliness of the product affirms the capability in providing everything.

Why do you think Facebook appeal best on your eyes? How about Twitter? These two rival social networks use the most popular favorite color of most people. That's blue. People perceives blue as royalty, as something of importance and emphasis. In the same manner, blue reflects unity and connection of the person to the subject. The sense of calm and security of blue invokes trust with web users toward the online store. That's Facebook best shot on the color blindness of Zuckerberg.

Black Indicates sense of power and evil. Sexuality, complexity, sadness, mourning and death are association.

Red Conveys strong emotions, comfort, warmth, anger and love. Feelings of excitement and intensity are associated with the color.

Pink It appeals to the sense of love, youthfulness, calmness, romance and freshness. Shades of pink may have different effects.

White Associated with innocence, coldness, sterility, and purity.

Purple Creates sense of royalty, rarity, spirituality, wisdom, wealth and relationships.

Green Associates with health, tranquility, fertility and jealousy.

Orange Conveys vulgarity, warmth, excitement, enthusiasm, and attraction.

Yellow Differing emotions of warmth, frustration, anger, and attention.

Blue Color for men to convey order, security and peace.

Brown Evokes security, strength, and comfort.

Recommended Colors, Backgrounds, Buttons

Red is considered as one of the heaviest color in the spectrum. As a heavy color, red attracts attention of web users fast than any other color. It is good to use bright red at the top widgets and elements of the webpage. However, you should not over-paint the website with too much red to avoid evoking overrated sense of urgency. Most professional designers would use red for 'Buy Now' buttons than blue. When people perceive the color red, they tend to gamble more. This psychology of red is the reason why Las Vegas casinos use more red lights. In comparison, blue commands more thinking on the perception of the person, which would result to low conversions.

If you want to avoid the warning and danger perception of red, orange is a great alternative. It creates a vibrant, friendly, appealing and moving impact on the mind of a person. While red and orange elicit exciting emotions, orange can create warmth and comfort without the angst of red.

On the other hand, using green on 'call to action' buttons translates conversions at par with red. Green suggests affluence, wealth and growth. The freshness of green when used on 'call to action' buttons can stimulate feelings of honesty on the shopper. When a person sees the color green, he or she thinks the product is beneficial. As a result, he or she clicks the green 'call to action' button and converts sales for your online store.

Moods and impression are created by colors. If the store uses wrong colors, conversions are sacrificed and bounce rates are higher. Wrong color results to unworthiness, unprofessionalism and inexperience. It brings wrong signal on the mind of a shopper. The psychology of color is a major concern in website design.