E-Commerce: 1Shopping Cart – Review


1Shopping Cart is designed for small businesses and enterprises that are looking for possible ways and methodologies to increase sales and profitability. With humble beginnings last 1999, 1Shopping Cart has grown into a massive shopping cart solution helping business achieve success. There are variety of packages available to choose from; each package has comprehensive and integrated featured tools like Affiliate Management, Autoresponder, Upsell Express, Ad Tracking, and robust Security. Using the browser-based administration panel, online retailers can control and manage their stores anywhere at anytime. As to date, 1Shopping Cart handles and supports over 25, 000 businesses around the world.

Overview of 3D Cart

Most online retailers worry about their e-commerce solutions and tools they need to manage and control their stores. 1Shopping Cart offers basic features and tools that novice retailers need. Forget about extra features, which may not be used by retailers, 1Shopping Cart works on the core of the store management. Built-in features like credit-card processing, email marketing, actual shipping cost calculation, and digital downloads are available to help your store increase its conversion rate.

1Shopping Cart offers e-commerce retailers a big opportunity to increase full control of their stores while gaining a large portion of the market. Robust and comprehensive features handle the minute details of your store. These features include shipping options, tax customization, payment customization, affiliate management, website designs for landing and thank you pages, and many more.

This e-commerce software allows online retailers to setup a store to sell up to 10, 000 products or items. This shopping cart is ideal for businesses that want to sell products fast and easy. Serving thousands of stores across the globe, the data center of 1Shopping Cart sits in Toronto, Canada.

Website Design

There are more than 50 ready-to-use templates you can use for your online store. You can customize these templates easily. However, customization is only available if you have knowledge on HTML, Javascript and CSS website coding. Another setback you need to face with 1Shopping Cart is the lack of powerful website tools, like the drag-and-drop mode. There are few click-and-point tools that you can use to customize and update designs, but compared with other solutions, 1Shopping Cart is still behind the industry's best.

Back Office

With 1Shopping Cart, you can expect a powerful customer relationship management. The Back Office offers control of customer's database to provide an autoresponder system. The custom form builder maintains email input forms that can help you create messages you can send to subscribers. Through the Back Office, you can easily track inventory or stocks of products. It gives you an overview of the size and current status of your store. Nonetheless, there are different Back Office tools that aid retailers in setting up ads.

Features of the software are easily managed and controlled through the 1Shopping Cart's Back Office. Affiliate Management offers tracking and managing of affiliate programs and for you to see sales or commissions of each sale. Adding some buttons to the website is also supported by its Back Office, but you may need little programming knowledge to achieve it. Support tools around the administration panel, but you need to study the entire dashboard to hit the right button. With the “Buy Button” you must check the link first to avoid jumping on a wrong page and compromising credit cart or payment details.

Shopping Features

Probably, one of the advantages you can enjoy with 1Shopping Cart is the large number of products you can sell on your store. Both soft goods or downloadable products and hard goods can be sold on your 1Shopping Cart store. In setting up hundreds of products, you can use the bulk upload to easily add new products without manually adding each one of them.

Sales discounts, bargains, coupons and more can be added to the online store for the best attraction of customers. Plus, there are flexible product options you can use to filter the store. Sizes, colors, and prices categories can be used to help customers locate products fast and easy.

Payment Options
1Shopping Cart has spent much of its architecture to keep a secured payment system with array of payment gateways available including credit card processing, Google Checkout, SecurePay and PayPal. Both online and offline payment plans are available to give your store's customer wide options and to avoid disenfranchisement of consumers.

The checkout process is made attractive and powerful through Upsell Express. It is an innovative tool to reduce abandonment of shopping cart.

Through the Back Office, you can easily customize the checkout page. You may create a one-page or two-page checkout process. Providing the best checkout page can provide the best customer experience and satisfaction.

Tax Customization1Shopping Cart provides a simplified and automated tax calculation system that integrates with the payment and checkout processes. Through the Back Office, online retailers can setup the tax rates or regional settings. When a customer purchases a product, the tax is calculated automatically and added to the total cost of the product. A report on the tax cut is made to comply with the accounting and legal requirement.

Marketing Features
As mentioned, the CRM capabilities of 1Shopping Cart offers simplifies email marketing. You can build a client list and use the autoresponder setting to automatically send out promotional letters, newsletters, and other trigger emails to customers. The autoresponder can be embedded on the affiliate marketing system and the shopping cart. Aside from the autoresponder system embedded on the affiliate management system, 1Shoppping Cart allows online retailers to sell affiliate products directly and easily.

Sales and commission reporting through the Affiliate Management allows retailers to see how the campaigns are working. In the same manner, ad tracking gives retailers a chance to generate more income and to advance the layout of the store. Real-time tracking and reporting means a lot to retailers who are always looking for methods of winning the market. Google Analytics is integrated to the shopping cart to keep your search engine ranking at its best.

Security Features

To assure your store's customers on the security and confidence of personal and financial information, 1Shopping Cart maintains a full PCI Level 1 Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. Aside from the PCI DSS, 1Shopping Cart stores also employ the Card Holder Information Security Program or CISP to secure credit-cards and third-party payment gateways. In the same manner, with the aid of these programs installed on the store, merchants don't have to worry about the penalty imposed by major credit cards like Visa on unsecured payment processes. SSL Certificates are used to keep the security of credit card transactions against third-party intrusions. When customers enter the credit card details, they need to have the physical credit card on hand because there are details that must be entered. It is a process used by most shopping carts to avoid theft of credit card numbers.

Customer Support
If it is first time to use 1Shopping Cart, no worries at all, this shopping cart solution has tons of tutorial videos, knowledge-based articles, help files, and many other resources to help you pull through installation and setting up of the online store. Register for systematic guides and receive tutorials on how to use the shopping cart. FAQs are available to topically solve your issues with the shopping cart. Moreover, you can easily call the phone support team of 1Shopping Cart if you have problems with the software. Email support is also available if you need to communicate in details with the support team.


The good thing about 1Shopping Cart is the 30-day free trial that you can evaluate. You don't need to go over the wrong features of a shopping, but you can test it and decide later if you're going to continue the service. Great for small businesses, 1Shopping Cart offers $19.95 per month subscription. There are no hidden fees which may scare you off. The Starter Package prides in the conversion and order management tools you can use for the store. On the other hand, Standard and Professional Packages are very impressive without the cost. However, you may also enjoy the $3.95 four-week test drive of the software.