Pronto Universal Remote Control


Pronto Universal Remote Control is from the long line of remote controls of Phillips. You are assured of the quality materials used and the state of the art technology that is adapted to bring the best result of the Pronto Universal Remote Control.

Defining or activating the device with the Pronto Universal Remote Control is a requirement before you can use the device for best. There are present codes if Phillips that are synced in the system. You don’t need to add them to the program of the Pronto Universal Remote Control. However, for those products that are not included in the preset codes, it is very important for you to define them.

Adding brand of devices with the aid of codes:

1. You need to choose the device type. When you turn the Pronto Universal Remote Control on. It will show you to the navigating center. You will find the device type criterion in there. You tap the right button of the device.
2. After you have chosen the device, the screen of the Pronto Universal Remote Control will show you to the brands that are compatible with the device. You can easily tap the right brand name of the device.
3. You will be guided to another screen. You will have the codes of the device and brand. However, with the number of models that are in the market, it is hard to distinguish the right code. You can search for the right one using the Pronto Universal Remote Control. Or you can guess the right set of codes by tapping it.
4. After you entered the right set of codes, the device will be connected to the remote control. You need to test of the device is working properly. You can navigate through the entire process of Pronto Universal Remote Control and get a result.