Why You are Wasting Your Time Using Stock or Manufacturer Descriptions


If you want to be a friend of Google, then start doing your rounds. Probably, one of the mistakes often committed by online merchants is fast-tracking everything. No one would want to start things from its core. Search engines use an algorithm to determine popularity and content for search engine ranking.

I just don't have time to set my store, so I rely on shortcuts,” whined an online retailer. But, you see, bad taste on shortcuts lead to poor search engine capabilities.

Using manufacturer's product description is often the resort of most e-commerce online merchants. It is the easy way; you don't have to write descriptions by yourself. However, using manufacturer's product descriptions is often the core of content duplicity. There is no penalty of using stock product descriptions. The manufacturer will not sue you for plagiarism. Why should they when you are just trying to sell their products, right? But the problem is more than that!

Content duplicity, in simpler terms, is copying-pasting of contents from the original source. Googledefines it as “substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar.” Surely, it eases and speeds up the job completion, effort and attention twice removed. For this case, you just pull the description made by manufacturer on the product and paste it to your store. There is no need for a writing skill, or figuring out the best SEO-friendly keyword stuffing. All you need to have is the knowledge on how to copy-paste. It's simple as ABC.

But here we got a big problem. Yahoo, Google, Bing, and other search engines are developed with the capability to detect content duplicity. For instance, Google spamming architecture is designed to block duplicates or malicious contents from appearing in searches. The algorithm of Google may change from time to time; but the quality of content is a top determinant in website or page rank. As a result, your store gets the lowest regard from search engines, and don't expect you will get heavy traffic to your site from search engines.

Another problem with stock descriptions is internal content duplicity. What is this internal competition? Search engines recognize internal duplicity when they crawl and index website contents.

So how can you take advantage of Google bots to build up excellent search engine ranking, and eventually, traffic to your site?

Write unique descriptions.If you want to increase search engine ranking, it is essential to write your own product descriptions. Well, there's no need to become a Shakespeare-an writer in order to write good product description that copying-pasting manufacturer's product descriptions. Rewriting or tweaking the manufacturer's product description is a good idea. But if you want Google bots to find user-generated contents, write unique, fresh and SEO-friendly descriptions. Keyword stuffing is a very important part of result-driven descriptions, but don't overdo it; you may use anchor text also.

Use SEO techniques. E-commerce software or platforms like PrestaShop support keyword fields. These unique fields add search engine friendliness. Meta tags and descriptions should be unique on each product or page. By avoiding duplicity on these field and on meta titles, you can avoid dilution of the search engine value of the store.

Video Reviews. What text cannot deliver, videos can. You can demonstrate and explain the product in a visual way. Videos appeal to audiences succinctly and professionally. Instead of being raw, you can create a moving store with dynamism. The versatility of video reviews gives you an opportunity to offer concrete evidence on the importance of the product.

Well, if you don't have time to create great and reliable product descriptions, you will surely flat on modern marketing pitch. Don't waste time on manufacturer's descriptions. Break traditional and conventional methods of marketing for a broader financial success.