Apex Universal Remote Control


Memorizing codes for the universal remote control can be so disgusting and time consuming. You would need a new way to handle things easily. Apex universal remote control allows you to do two ways in programming the system. First, you need to use codes, and second, you don’t need any code but the Apex universal remote control alone.

Programming Apex universal remote control using codes for the device:

Before you start the programming the Apex universal remote control, you must have the Apex remote control code list by your side to help you through the entire process. It is very important to have the manual and list codes so that you can have a reference for codes for the device that you want to sync with the control.

Simply, you turn on the device that you want to sync into the Apex remote control. You press the SETUP button of the remote control. You wait until the light indicator powers up. The indicator will signal if the device is ready for you to enter the code. You must get the right set of code for the device. In the list you will find the model and brand of the device with the assigned code. You key in the code with the aid of the numerical keypad. The device must turn off automatically as an indication of the syncing process. You continually enter the code if the component does not turns off.

Programming Apex universal remote control without codes:

This is not in the manual of the remote control but this system override works perfectly. You click the mute button until the indicator blinks. When the indicator is blinking already, you must enter 9911 for the TV set, it will automatically search for the device code. After which, the device will turns off. You already synced in the device.