When You're Stressed Out, Do the Following


I haven't written a post for the past four days. Whew. I was busy working with some academic papers.

And worst, the election just freaked my brains out. I was in the voting precinct before 6 am. So early? Crazily right. I accompanied my mother; she wanted to vote early to avoid too much chaos. Of course, when we arrived there, there were few people and my mother was one of the firsts in there. After having all things settled, I left my mother there and went home. (I asked my cousin to drive my mother back home after voting.) I was expecting that my mother would be home around 7:30 am (voting starts at 7:00 am). But lo and behold, my mother was still not home at around 8:00 am. I freaked out what had happened to my mother; my mother is hypertensive.

I called my sister in there and she told me my mother was still not able to vote. It made my hairs stand upright to heaven. For crying out loud, she had been there for almost three hours. And there, got myself stressed. I went back to the school. My mother was fine, but I was not. I was already angry at those dumb teachers who were not able to figure out how to make the voting run smoothly even after three hours of thinking. Wow. Such a mediocre mind. If I was their boss, I could have fired them for slow response and reaction, as well as contigency plans.

What I did? You'll hate me, buddy. I scolded the teachers there... and it made my acid high and my blood pressure over my head. Ouch.

When I went out, I was already trembling. I am hypertensive myself.

So why I am talking about what to do when you're stressed out? Because I had been there over and over again.

Here's what I do:

  1. I call someone who can listen to my tirades and angry burst. Thanks God, I have a friend who's willing to listen to me. Have one, be sure of that
  2. I would take a break out my desk and just walk around. A good walk will surely relieve the tension.
  3. Music can help. I have a good list of songs to listen to. And I sing my heart out. Who cares if I don't have the voice of Pavarotti or Bocelli, I just want to sing loud and... louder. Lol.
  4. I listen to an audio Bible. Bible verses remind me to keep calm, to be angry and sin not.
  5. I get a book and read some lines. Be sure to buy some real good books.
  6. I keep on playing with my pen. It's a good stressor.
  7. I watch a movie clip of an inspiring movie or a coutroom drama. It's a good one.
  8. I play the Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Concert. It's a long one, around 2 hours. After the play is over, I am relieved of my stress.
  9. I eat some foods. My friend called this the best idea of stress-reliever. Haha.
  10. I just close my eyes and have a good sleep. Nothing beats that. 

Have a stress-free day ahead of you.