When the Dead Starts Living


At last our Missions Conference is over. Whew. Thanks God for the blessings.

Last Saturday, May 18, 2013, I received a text message from a friend, it says (to this effect): Do you have a tired week? Place your hand in your chest area, can you feel your heart beating? That means you have a purpose. Live.

Oftentimes, we miss the meaning of our lives because we are so busy doing things that don't matter at all. It is as if the world is ours to take and we need to play all these roles too well. And when we have played them well, we forgot the meaning and purpose of our lives. We are just lost in the forest or the forest got lost in us. And we just realize our life is not what we want; we want something else, but we are already near the end of the road and going back would be useless.

So while we are young let us rethink of the following:
Start living life now!

1. Live for God. What's the purpose of life? Simple, you have to follow God's will. Nothing else, nothing more for everything else just follows and falls into place.

There is always a place that God wants us to be, a place where we will bloom. And unless God is over with us in that place, He will continue to open doors for to fulfill our place in the world. No man can shut these doors for God is the one working them out for us.

The problem is: Are we yielded to the plan of God? And still it points to another problem: How can we follow God if He did not become our Father and we are just bastards of His family? And it springs another question: How can he became our Father if we haven't yielded our soul to the saving grace of Christ?

But if we have resolved all those problems, we can easily yield to the plan of God. There is no time to keep on looking and searching when God is already shouting for us to see His plans. There is no time to beat in the air and return nothing because we don't want the will of God. Hey, He is Supreme of All and He knows exactly what's best for us, even if we feel and think it is the not the best for us.

Until we start living for God will we live for ourselves and desires of our flesh.

2. Live your passion. I believe God is not sadistic nor masochistic (He wants to be happy), so this next point won't go against the first one. Live the passion that burns in your heart. Don't do things when you are not for that place.

I always here this: You'll only live this world once, so live it to the fullest. And how can you live it to the fullest when you are living your passion? How can share some smiles to others if deep within you are aching and desiring to do what you really want?

At young age, embark to a search of looking for what you really want. There is that passion within that wants to be out. You have to cultivate it. If you want to paint, do paint for God. If you want to teach, do teach for God. If you want to a physician, be one for God. Do what's burning within and you will find it easy to do things.

3. Live for others. One time, I was messaged by an old friend. He said what I really wanted in life. Don't I want to be a famous person or some sorts, he said.

My simple reply sums up this point. "I don't want to live selfishly and greedily, after all I will die sooner or later. What I want is just to be an influence on another person that one day when I die, that person will be able to live what I believe in and what I desire. It would be the best success I could ever have."

Then that old friend was silenced.

Overall, just live. Don't fret on small and petty things, life is more than the salty food you have in the table, it is more than the traffic jam, or the storm that passes you through. Just live.