Lest We Forget


Towering skyscrapers, interweaving skyways, connecting cantilevers, bullet-traveling trains – these complete the buzzing metropolis. The grand picture of progress, a dreamland of hope, the story of soaring business arena. Now, look across the stage, mountains cave in, stones are hewn, the earth turn upside-down. A horrifying drama of the old oak tumbling down. A story of grand bird migration, of disturbed species, of lost ecosystem.

Revered panel of judges, critical members of the audience, lovers of change and doubters of progress alike, to embrace the status quo as the thundering message from heaven is the bottleneck of stupidity, but to forget dangers of progress is the proud Titanic without its lifeboats.

Progress has its many forms and guesses, accolades and benefits, advantages and strengths. It favors the brave in heart, the enterprising in spirit – the young and old, the passive and active, the privileged and the displaced. Progress is the conjoined twin of change. Progress is subtle but change is painful. Deeply wounding. Gently piercing.

The season changes to benefit vegetation; the shore welcomes tides to pamper marine life, the undesirable worm metamorphosizes into an alluring butterfly. Change is the distinct aroma of progress; take it away and you’ll find everything degressing.

A person that remains the same as years pass by s a living dead; so does a nation. Expel progress and change, a nation crumbles into nothing. Moving forward is the singular focus of the nation. As long as it holds to the painful process of change, progress happens. As long as it keeps the flame of progress, the nation thrives.

This is our hope. The dawning aurora of the future is breaking. It is time to seize the moment, the change to meet progress with a warm embrace.

But along with progress, let change pass the road of sustainability. We will not allow our enthusiastic search for progress to destroy this hallowed ground we trod. We will not allow our aspirations to target our future. We will not allow promises of progress to darken our wisdom and faculties. Change must remain in the path that leads to progressive sustainability.

Progress withdraws from the large deposit of the earth. There is not end to global business economy. Change withdraws from the resources deposit of the grateful land. The ground offers progress a better path. But no deposit is ever made to replace funds. What if we have exhausted earth’s bank deposit that our check comes back because of insufficient funds? Is there an alternative world to live?

Sustainability examines the behest of change to promote progress. It develops awareness among us, breathing humans, to ensure earth’s longevity. Governmental policies, working together with sound social commitment, result to a better pathway for progress to trod.

Change may swift us way to forget the dangers of progress. Lest we forget the reality to favor safeguarding temporary safety. Lest we forget that the world of ours is finite. Lest we forget that the ground we trod is not indispensable.

Indeed, we have come to a compromise. A compromise to stimulate progress, to welcome change, to embrace development under the very blanket of sustainability. A compromise that ensures moving forward without sacrificing earth’s grandeur. A compromise to secure a lovely world for the next generation to inherit, to protect and to enjoy.

We will say yes to the building of taller skyscrapers over the others. It’s a yes to the pave pathways across borders. A resounding yes to the development of the metropolis. Yes to the creation of economic showdown to stimulate and open opportunities for the young, dynamic, and enterprising Filipino.

But we will say no to the destruction of the earth. It’s a no when our endemic species can find no refuge. It’s a thundering no to the wanton destruction of our forest to pave for industrial complex. No to the excessive damage of today’s world with nothing left for tomorrow’s generation.

We will open arms for progress travailed in the womb of change, but will not rejoice of the demise of its mother – the world we live in.