Happy Mother's Day - The Hypocrisy


It's Mother's Day, I know. I don't want to ruin the occasion, nor I want to be a miser before your eyes, but I have some important things to discuss about this celebration.

I. Mother's Day is EVERYDAY. I can't seem to understand how in the world kids would say I love you Mommy, Happy Mother's Day Mom, yet throughout the year, they were pain in the neck of their mothers. I understand you just want to make your mother's smile, but being a mother is a lifetime and if you want to make your mother feel the real "Happy Mother's Day", get your life in order. It is the greatest gift you can give to your mother.

How will a mother feel if her only son goes to jail for some crimes? A regular mom would say that she failed in her office as a mother. It is her job and responsibility to guide her kids in the right path, but if kids don't grow as they should be, not because mothers failed, but because kids choose it, it is still a pain in the heart of the mother. You cannot limit being a mother for it is a lifetime job.

Let's be real people, Mother's Day is everyday. Live your life that is pleasing to God and to your mother, and the real meaning of "Mother's Day" will be felt by your mother. It is time for us to mean what we say. Let's not just say "Happy Mother's Day" because some do, but let us say these words because we mean them. And let us live up to those words.

II. Love to Mom is NEVER a POST, TWEET, ETC. When I opened my Facebook awhile ago, what dawned on me are the messages and posts of people about Mother's Day. They wrote heartbreaking messages to parents - and some just simple greetings. I understand you just want to shout your love to your mother, (but I hope, you'll show it next time). But Facebook, Twitter, etc are not right avenues to express that love.

I would that you go to mom, and tell her those words. What do you think? It would make things real and right for I worry that you don't understand the meaning of LOVE at all. Hey, the virtual expression of emotions are sometimes uninhibited and surreal, to the point of unreal.

Worst, it maybe that your mom forgets to open her FB this day and the message was read next week. Oh, that would be sad. And still the situation gets nastier. Instead of your mother reading the post and commenting on it, a friend of yours commented and praised you for your love to your mom. Wow. Instead of telling your mom these words and making her the center of the event, you steal the show and get all the praise for your love to your mom. Just ecstatic about that! And you'll surely love those praises from friends. Fool!

Buddy, it is time to get real with things. If I want to tell my mom I love you, I would tell her and make her feel that I mean those words. Well, whatever your way, just do it.

Oh, I want to sleep now. Really had a long day and reading FB posts just made me sick. Got to sleep now.

Get real, buddy - Mother's day is today, tomorrow and forever.