Away from the World: Let us Zip Away

After the busy Conference we had, we hibernated (Lol) from the world to take a good rest. It is time to travel to Funtastic Medellin - ZipAway.

Thanks God for a good day because some of us would need to travel by motorbikes. Although the hot summer was excruciating, but it was better than a pouring rain. We have to travel from San Remigio, the seat of San Remigio Beach Club, Hagnaya Beach Resort, and other beautiful beaches,  to Medellin. It at least 14-kilometer travel that we had to endure. And the road is not really good when you arrive at Caputatan Norte, Medellin, Cebu.

Going back to nature is a great opportunity to regain your strength and energy. After the stress of the city and the pressure of activities you were on, it is time to get back to the calmness of nature to inhale fresh air and just relieve yourself. But if you really want to take advantage of nature's refreshing beauty, you must get rid of your gadgets and means of communication. You have to isolate yourself with nature to enjoy its beauty. 

The problem with many of us is that we want to enjoy a time alone and just refresh ourselves from the chaos of the office and the pressure of work, but we do bring our phones, our laptops, and so on.   For me, it just adds stress to you. When someone is calling you in the middle of a vacation and you don't have a hands-on on these things, you feel like being placed in a box that you don't know what to do. Better off, leave all means of communication to avoid disruption of your relaxation time. 

Okay, so let me cut the chase and go to the activity we had in the Funtastic Medellin - ZipAway. When we arrived in there, it was already 11 am, and we decided to take the ride first before eating. You guess why? Hahaha. We don't want to throw off all the foods we will eat. 

So there, we are already fitted with the harness. Oh, I would not dare to take that ride without those safety gears. I am really afraid of heights. (Only two things I am afraid of: heights and dogs.) 

After making sure that safety knots are already placed properly, it is time to conquer the fear of heights. Fingers-crossed and face-palm, was praying things would to smoothly.

And it really went well. Wow. Thanks God. 

After enjoying the zipline, we went to Monyeka Cave. It was developed by the government of Medellin, but when we arrived there, it seemed that the cave's development was on hold and the place was left barren. 

Anyways, it was very cold in there and smelly with the bats' waste. 

It was my first time to be in a cave and it was scary. We were not able to bring flashlights and we used our phones as improvised lights, but it was not enough. And worst, we saw several snake skin in there. Really big snake skins. 

So we were not able to explore the cave, but it was worth the sweat. Hahaha. Yeah, it was cold, but we were sweating in there. 

Then, after all those treks, we went home and had a good rest watching Love Comes Softly in the main auditorium of the church. Hahaha.