Weight Loss Lesson 1 – Facilitating Weight Loss: What I Missed


Losing weight is not an easy task, I warn you. If you want to lose weight, but you don't want to sacrifice and to discipline yourself, you will surely fail. With thousands of advertisement bombarding you to eat, and another thousand of restaurants that are scattered anywhere you turn, I'm pretty sure, you will have a hard time. The society encourages us to eat more, but it also reminds us of the peril we are moving on to.

In losing weight, you need to be personal with what you are going to do. So what do you need to remember:

Awareness. Most overweight people I've talked to would say that they are not aware they are getting bigger. It seems to them that their body is still the same. This lack of awareness of their body weight is the root cause of the problem. If you are not aware of your weight, you won't mind.

The desire to lose weight must not just come from others. It must be from you. You need to be aware of the need to lose weight. Through this awareness, you will be able to be informed of the direction you want to cross. This awareness will keep your feet on the track of losing weight.

Reality. Here is another problem. Most overweight people don't know how many calories they consume. It is important for you to break down your meals into calories. How many calories are in a slice of pork? How about chicken skin? By knowing the reality of calories you consume, you will be able to make a real solution. This will lead to cutting off non-essential part of your diet that will just add up calories without giving the most of minerals and nutrients.

Accountability. Do you know why those who are in the game show The Biggest Loser are making successes in their weight loss goals? One thing: Accountability. They know that someone is evaluating their progress or performance. But you don't need to join the reality show to lose weight.

You need to be accountable to yourself. Try writing down the foods you consume everyday. By writing down everything you drink or eat, you will know what areas you are failing and what areas you should work harder. And of course, being accountable to oneself is hard. It is recommended to ask someone to follow you up. When someone else is following your progress up, you will get the sense of exerting effort on what you do.

Routine. Lastly, losing weight is not just a day's battle, it is a daily struggle. You need to make losing weight part of your everyday life. For one, you need to do your exercises regularly. Don't be drawn to yesterday's success. Losing your calorie intake yesterday does not mean you are doing it well. No. You just did well yesterday, and you need to do well the next day. As I said, it is a daily struggle that you must face. Daily.