The World of Lust and Sex – The Deprivation of Man


The heart is placed not between your thighs because man's focus should not be sex and lust, but love!

Out of the thousands of websites, 12% are pornographic - and the number will continue to grow as the current behavior encourages the industry. Every second, there are 28, 258 internet users who are viewing porn; 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites. This is the reason why the porn industry is ever growing with an estimated revenue of $20 billion every year. While this revenue could have grown higher if there are no free porn sites available in the market.

On an average, only 7% of the performers use condoms in heterosexual porn. With this, 66% of the porn stars have herpes, while a considerable 7% of performers are HIV positive. Worse comes to worst, 79% of porn stars use marijuana, 50% use ecstasy, 44% use cocaine, and 39% use hallucinogens. This high use of drug is due to the fact that most porn performers can't take what they are doing on stage. In fact, in one of the documentary presented by Louis Theroux, he noted that porn stars mostly commit suicide because of the pressure they take from the filming and the ruin of their lives.

While pornography has been a great social taboo few decades ago, in the dawning of the 21stcentury, pornography has become a norm. It is already an accepted thing in the society as men and women. Our social behavior has evolved over time – and what seemed abnormal to Generation X and Y is already taken as a normal activity by the Mosaics. We are indeed living in a changing world.

But in whatever sense we take this, pornography is not a normal thing. It is a form of addiction that should considered of same level of drugs. When teens are hooked to pornography, sexual addiction follows. It ruins their very sense of know the real to the unreal; the understanding of what's right and what is not right. In fact, the biggest fraction of purchased porn has some form of aggression and domination over others. There is a bigger and deeper problem that is deeply attached to pornography. And whatever way we deny it, it is there!

Perhaps, the biggest problem being attached to pornography is the ruin of a person's understanding of what is morally right and the intent of the person. As noted, most people watched porn videos that exhibit some form of aggression, domination, and sense of rape. There is something on this trend which can be equated with the growing sexual abuse and trafficking of women and children.

If we think pornography is harmless and can't do something on the lives of people. It is time for us to rethink. With the growing industry, it is easier to look for porn videos that search for actual information in the web. While some does not consider pornography to be harmful because it feeds their sexual imagination, don't forget the plights of thousands who are abused because there is someone who watches porn and was motivated because of it.