Heart's Day: Letter to Exes


As today is considered as the heyday of love, I am writing a message to my then-girlfriend.

Dear Ex,

It'd been long since the last time I caressed your skin, smelled your scent, and tantalized on your beauty in the middle of the night and in the hot temperature of the day. Indeed, it was too long that only my lust would remember it all. But when I remember those moments, this a tingling in my thigh.

What we had was a beautiful love affair. It was!

Never once did I regret the fleeting days we spent together. But I thank you for having the tolerance of my temperament. We had already reached the compromise of our relationship. We already knew how to work out our flaws and imperfections. I'd love to think that it was already a perfect relationship bounded by love - and perhaps, lust.

But still, we ended up apart. We thought we could already surpass the winds of times, but we failed. The decline of that beautiful relationship did not come in a twinkling of an eye. It came in slow process of drifting apart. We lost what we had. Distrust crept. And we skidded to a direction of nowhere.

I would not be blaming you for the mistake. It was all mine. And I thank you for being part of the experience and the lessons I had with that. I learned that in a relationship love is not enough. When trust is broken, even if how much effort you exert, things will not be back to its position. When trust is broken, it is time to give up. Allow things to settle. Otherwise, two people who love each other will be hurting each other reaching the point of no return. This is what happened to us. We'd reached that apex and there's no way out.

When I was with you, there's so much assurance of love, but we did not make it right. We had imperfections and we started to be blinded. Instead of discussing what had happened, we just allowed ourselves to be fooled. Instead of talking, we were cuddling each other - even fulfilling the demands of the Kingdom Animalia. While we loved the hotness of human anatomy, we ignored the problem. And later did we know, our problems had piled up and it was impossible to resolve them any more.

And of course, we hurt each other. As much as we loved each other, we wanted to own each other. I wanted to own you and you wanted to own me. Isn't it sweet? It wasn't. We chocked each other. We forgot that we had our own lives. When we did try to merge with each other, we lost our self-identity. As a result, we became lesser persons. And as much as we were hurt, we needed to give up before blood gushed out.

As I already told you, I am extending back again my gratitude for the love we shared. It was lovely. But it's gone.

I am happy with my new flame. Armed with lessons of our relationship's demise, I am better now in keeping a person I love.

I just pray, you also had your lessons.

Perhaps, it was an academic and intellectual relationship. That's what we had.

With great love,
