The Court Closed the Palin-Johnston Child Custody Case


 Juneau – According to Anchorage Daily News, The court has closed the custody case between Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin. According to the lawyer of a party, both have agreed to settle differences regarding their 3-year-old son outside the court. The court decided to close the custody case on former vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s grandson after a lack of activity from both parties.

Although Bristol Palin’s attorney did not give any immediate response, Johnston’s lawyer Rex Butlter gave a hint on the development of the case. Johnston and Palin are likely to talk on the issue themselves without the intervention of the court or any legal proceeding.

To remember, Palin and Johnston had a court battle on the custody of the kid. However, last 2010 they settled differences by allowing Palin to have primary physical custody of Tripp, but equal legal custody. According to the Palin family lawyer, Johnston was given visitation rights, and he should pay child support.

The Alaskan court posted a dismissal of the case custody last July because of legal inactivity from parties. It is the discretion of the court to consider the case moot and academe if parties are not interested in pursuing anymore.

Recently, Lifetime series ran “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp” with Bristol and Tripp in the cover. Bristol talked about Johnston’s presence in Tripp’s life and his absence, as well.

Last 2008, Bristol and Johnston became part of the national clamor as Sarah Palin was running for vice-presidency. They were classic examples of teenagers expecting their baby. However, the relationship was marred with break-ups, on and offs, and a failed engagement.

After the sour ending of their relationship, Johnston appeared in “Dancing with the Stars” and had a new baby with his girlfriend. On the other hand, Briston had gone to writing.

For Bristol, “A child is a blessing and I know they are experiencing the joys (and challenges!) of having a newborn.”