Is the world better off with or without Wikileaks? - Annotated Bibliography



Brevini, B. & McCurdy, P. (2013). Beyond WikiLeaks: Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society. Palgrave Macmillan.


One of the spotlight of Wikileaks is the release of US secrets and confidential files on the war of the Middle East. It raises questions on the security of the nation and the capability of the government to secure its own secrets from the eyes of the public. In this book, Brevini and McCurdy discussed the implications of Wikileaks on the way journalism and communications work in the future. It seeks to answer the ever-polarizing dilemma of disclosing information to public as a an inherent right or the need to protect the government from the bias opinion of the masses and the opportunistic views of enemies. Regardless of the moral, ethical and legal grounds of Wikileaks disclosure, the issue comes to the impact of Wikileaks on the future of communications.



Heller, K.J. (2010). "Why the Benefits of WikiLeaks Far Outweigh Its Dangers." Opinio Juris. Retrieved from



In this article, Heller explored the advantages of Wikileaks in relation to its information disclosure. It is a comprehensive review on how each aspect of the disclosure provides the people enough information for them to decide on issues concerning the national defense and security. In contrast, it also offers an explanation on the disadvantages and harms that the disclosure of Wikileaks can make on the security of the US government. In the end, Heller sounded the verdict of proving that Wikileaks' benefits are far better than the damage it can do to the nation.


Leigh, D. & Harding, L. (2011). WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy. PublicAffairs.


The era of Wikileaks is not an era of simple dynamics, it is an era of powerful network. The diclosure being made by Wikileaks with regards to important details of the US government covers ethical, legal and political issues. In this book, Leigh and Harding offers an in-depth review of these three aspects of the Wikileaks disclosure. It opens Wikileaks to be under scrutiny and disclosure instead of Wikileaks doing it.


Sifry, M. (2011). Wikileaks and the Age of Transparency. OR Books.


The most important issue regarding Wikileaks is transparency. In this book, the author explores the right of the people to know what's happening in their government, the obligation of the government to inform the populace, and the vitality of protecting the government from invasion, either by principle or practice. Sifry offered an argument on how the government reacts to the new age of information and of transparency and its evolution from the traditional closed system.


Star, A. (2011). Ed. Open Secrets: WikiLeaks, War and American Diplomacy. The New York Times Company.


In this book published The New York Times, Star unraveled important issues regarding Wikileaks rise to global prominence and attention. It chronicled how Wikileaks reached the doors of The New York times - which started the controversy. This book edited by Star contained the opinion of political analysts and communication experts who review the action of Wikileaks in disclosing information that are potentially alarming to the national security of the nation and stability of the government. It offered a trace on how these information reach the hands of Wikileaks, and it offered a controversy on how things happen under the watch of the government.