Men Need Space: Understanding the Arrogance and Wisdom of Adam


Often than not, men are misinterpreted and misconstrued, vilified and disdained. I am not going to be an apologist for my tribe, lest this article be out of bounds and be an issue of misogyny, but the most usual culprit of patriarchy's harsh commentaries is that the value of space among men is less understood by many, and even by our kinds.

Men are territorial, just like the anacondas or the king of the pack, the lion.

If we think we are right, not that we are, we would fight to the end. It hurts our egos when we lose the battle or just be afraid to face the battle we've started. It is only love that could break our iron resolve on something. Love of God. Love of someone. Love of something.

Some men are even judged as arrogant. Though we really are, sometimes you are just missing the point. In fact, some even judge our confidence as braggadocio. Some even tagged our strong arguments as simply picking a fight. At times our desire to point something of importance is viewed as nothing but rehashed homilies.

Why start with space to understand men?

Men need space. You put two women in single chair and they can stand each in the next 12 hours, no complain but just long chats. But men? It will work for the first few hours, but the climax would see men complaining, getting irritated, and wanting out. Quarrels erupt. Arguments reach the zenith. Excruciating silence.

Men need space. Women are good in letting mistakes pass during conversations, but not with men. Instead of pursuing the next topic, men would be busy pointing out what was the problem.

Men need space. If you sit with a man you too close, too clingy at that, you are a sissy. We would be asking you to move a bit. That's why it is good for girl friends to hold hands as they walk, or grope with each other. But for men, a little space is good.

Men need space. While women love to be wooed when they are angry, men would not like it. We would like space. It makes us thing and deal with our egos. We need caresses, but we need more rough trimmings.

Men need space. Like Anacondas devour those who step in our territory. Touch our families, we become barbarians. Touch our values, we go amok. Sorry ladies, when we love, men may act like stupids, but don't ever expect them sitting down when the prized beauty is being stolen for after all, amor vincit omnia.

Men need space. It is with this space that God can deal with us. Moses was alone. Joseph was exiled. Israel had his wrestling match. David was left out tending sheep. Job was without anyone.

But Moses heard God. Joseph overcame his fears and pain. Israel won the blessing of God. David practiced his shots and killed the giant. Job made it through even through the boils.

Men need space. We are territorial like the lion. Because we are designed to lead, to take the burden, to suffer for others, to sacrifice. This is the birthright of man.

After all, when men become rare, a Deborah will arise to lead coward men, unprincipled brutes, men who only want their entitlement using their being a man without the courage to be real men.