Knowledge Management – Bank Sohar Importance of Technology-Structure to Organizational Knowledge Culture



            The main focus of the knowledge management system is to understand the flow of knowledge within the organization and to make seamless structures that will facilitate this process. In this process, the active player is knowledge, which is considered as a commodity that can be embedded and traded. Due to the fact that the market is now focused on creativity and innovation, there is also an apparent demand for knowledge management system.

This study centers on two concepts that are systematically and categorically necessary for the knowledge management system of Bank Sohar – Loan Department.Through creation of the link between technology and hierarchy, the Loan Department will generate knowledge and ideas that are necessary to enhance its processes, its products and the way it communicates with customers. This study on the knowledge management system of the Loan Department of Bank Sohar is focused on the relationship of technological structure and hierarchical structure with regards to the development of organizational culture.
            Technology can be used to reduce the gaps of the structure and to move the structure in a flexible manner. Due to the fact that knowledge sharing is about communication, there is a need to use technology for that purpose and not just a structural support. Lastly, the following recommendations are made: Loan Department Close Integration & Communication Channels.

Table of Contents
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Research Issues ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Literature Review ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Methodology ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Findings ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Managerial Implications and Hierarchical Structure Impact to Knowledge Sharing Culture............... 11
Technological Implications to Knowledge Sharing ............................................................................ 12
Conclusion & Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 13
References................................................................................................................................................ 14

Knowledge Management – Bank Sohar
Importance of Technology-Structure to Organizational Knowledge Culture



            Information technologies were developed as tools to help the management and professional processing of information throughout the organization. With the decades that the knowledge management system has been in existence, there have been several questions on the dissemination of information from the bottom part of the organization to the top management. Knowledge management helps to generate improvements in various degree. However, with several decades on the fold, there are still issues on how organizations can take advantage of their knowledge management system.
            The conceptual framework of KMS was first discussed by Davenport (1997) who noted that this revolutionary concept is about the generation of knowledge, its distribution or sharing, and its utilization. The main focus of the knowledge management system is to understand the flow of knowledge within the organization and to make seamless structures that will facilitate this process. In this process, the active player is knowledge, which is considered as a commodity that can be embedded and traded. Bartlett (1996) noted that KMS will only function if knowledge is readily created. In this regard, KMS is dependent on the active reaction of knowledge within the organization, which could be tacit (experiential) or explicit (academic-based).
            Over the past decades, stress had been made on the importance of knowledge in creating the competitive advantage of an organization. Due to the fact that the market is now focused on creativity and innovation, there is also an apparent demand for knowledge management system. In today's market concept, organizations are required to use knowledge to their advantage in developing new products and in enhancing existing processes. 

Research Issues

            Bank Sohar is a top growing financial institution in the Sultanate of Oman. Being a native financial institution, Bank Sohar prides in its growth for the past years with the growth of both oil and non-petroleum sectors. The financial institution offers various products such as insurances, saving deposits, wealth management, and others. With the advancement of technologies, the financial institution has invested much to ensure that the organization is able to make the organization relevant to the contemporary business environment.
            This study centers on two concepts that are systematically and categorically necessary for the knowledge management system of Bank Sohar – Loan Department. First, technology structure takes an important role in developing a strong KMS. Zack (1999) noted that in the codification of knowledge for the transfer, there is a need to build a strong infrastructure to ensure the seamless flow of knowledge. Secondly, it is also necessary acknowledge that fact the role played by the hierarchical structure of the organization to the knowledge management system. As much as knowledge can flow from one point to another, there is a question on the complexity of the structure which can affect the entire KMS.
            In the end, this paper seeks to create recommendations on how to improve the Loan Department of Bank Sohar's knowledge management system. Through creation of the link between technology and hierarchy, the Loan Department will generate knowledge and ideas that are necessary to enhance its processes, its products and the way it communicates with customers. In a sense, the goal of correlating these two important factors of KMS will help to build a strong Loan Department without the complexity of structure.

Literature Review

            Knowledge management has been studied by several researchers and management experts, but only few tried to start their analysis in defining knowledge and knowledge management. Knowledge, according to Huber (1991), is a belief that helps to increase the capacity of a person to take necessary actions. In this sense, knowledge is a drive physical and cognitive activities or actions. For clarification, though information and knowledge are often used interchangeably, knowledge is defined as an authenticated information which is regarded as true (Vance, 1997). Maglitta (1996) further defined knowledge as a set of information that can be used for actions.  In a sense, as applied to the knowledge management system, knowledge is considered true, thus confirming the notes by several researchers regarding the differences on the perceived value of knowledge.
            In this understanding of knowledge and information, it should be noted that tacit knowledge is the processed knowledge that is already considered true as noted by Polanyi (1962). However, when knowledge becomes explicit, it becomes information again. Churchman (1972) noted that knowledge resides in the person's mind and cannot be used by other individuals when not transformed into explicit knowledge. If Churchman's (1972) assertion is carried through, then there is a need for knowledge to be communicated first before it will become real and useful to other people. In this regard, knowledge management system demands for a clear knowledge sharing. When knowledge is not shared, it does not any value at all. With knowledge sharing, the dormant knowledge is shared and becomes part of the actions being taken by the organization.
            In a sense, the problem of knowledge management is not on its creation, but on its capture and integration (Grant, 1996). While knowledge is readily available in the mind of a person (as it is considered true), it is hard to convert knowledge into information that can be shared. It should be emphasized that knowledge does not have organizational value if the same knowledge is not shared. In a sense, the goal of the organization is to capture and integrate knowledge to make it an asset for the competitive advantage of the organization.  In this capture and sharing of knowledge, technology plays a vital role in creating a seamless flow of knowledge. However, according to Brown & Duguid (1991), even in the availability of technology or electronic support, there is no guarantee that the knowledge management system will work properly.
            In the study conducted by Vandenbosch & Ginzberg (1997), there is a clear proof on the relationship of technology and knowledge management. In a study of Lotus Notes, organizational members were more willing to communicate frequently and regularly without the support of the Lotus Notes. Ina sense, without a clear strategy on how to use the technological advancement for the communication system, the information sharing will not gain its proper position in the organization system. To resolve this issue of gap between technology and knowledge sharing, organizations have tried to create information systems that will help in the collection of knowledge, its codification into understandable information, its integration, and its distribution to the organization (Alavi, 1997). This condition of technology is properly applied on the organizations that are working in the service-oriented environment.
            Knowledge management gained popularity in today's business environment because of the system's ability to enhance the flexibility and response time for organizations in this changing market situations. With the aid of KMS, according to Harris (1996), decision making processes are streamlined to help craft better practices in management of the organization's operation. To be able to formulate a better KMS, Atkinson (2000) asserted the need of developing organizational culture that is focused on knowledge sharing. While technology is applied, it is important for employees to take part in the processes of the organization. When employees are unwilling to adopt the changes being used to enhance the KMS, it will also be impossible to expect a better KMS. In a sense, when the KMS of the organization fails, it is not wholly to be blamed with the technological advancement utilized, but this can also be traced with the human capital.
            Atkinson (2000) stressed the need of creating an organizational culture that will implement the KMS and sustain it. While technology is already laid, there is another factor being noted in the success of KMS - organizational structure. Because most organizations follow the hierarchical structure, there is a also a question in the thickness and complexity of the system. When the organization is thick, information (codified from individual knowledge) may not be able to pass through. The multi layering of the organizational structure is a problem seen that stops the flow of information.
            In creating the link, it is important to note the fact that knowledge is considered as true by the person who thinks about it (Vance, 1997). However, when knowledge is already codified into information, there is now the question on how the receiver perceived the information and processed it into knowledge. If the receiver fails to acknowledge the perceived utility value of the information, then the knowledge generated may not reach the top management of the organization that makes the decision. Bohn (1994) noted that importance of perceived utility value of knowledge to be equal between the source and the receiver of the knowledge. Otherwise, the hierarchical structure will isolate the knowledge within the organization and instead of utilizing it, it will just be discarded.
            In the value of hierarchical structure the organization, Guptara (1999) noted that one of the pitfalls of knowledge management is the problem of motivation. Due to multi layering of the organization, motivation may fall short in terms of leadership. In terms of intrinsic motivation, multi layering does not encourage members of the organization to take part in the decision making and policy making of the organization. Simply, the structure of the organization stops individuals from believing that their knowledge is important to the overall success and direction of the organization.


            This study on the knowledge management system of the Loan Department of Bank Sohar is focused on the relationship of technological structure and hierarchical structure with regards to the development of organizational culture. To be able to draw a clear analysis of the correlation and to understand the role they play in the KMS, it is necessary to know the thoughts and experiences of members of the organization. With this, the researcher chose to have the qualitative research design as its major approach. This approach allows the research to get narratives of the respondents in a personal way to understand the process from those who know and experience the process itself.
            As the main survey instrument, the researcher prepared an interview questionnaire. Interviews were done in two processes. First, written interview questionnaires were sent to members of the Loan Department who couldn't answer the face to face interview due to their time constraint. Second, the oral interview process was done with those who could answer the questions readily. With the aid of these two processes, the researcher was able to collect necessary data for its analysis. Below are the questions for the interview:
·         With the structure of the Loan Department and the entire Bank Sohar, are comfortable in approaching senior managers and executives if you have some ideas or knowledge in your mind?
·         Are you willing to share knowledge with members of the organization regardless of their position in the organization?
·         With the current technologies used for the Loan Department, is there ease in generating ideas from other members of the organization? Or is there a problem with the communication channels that may hinder the process?
·         What technologies do you think will enhance the communication channels of the organization?
            These interview questionnaires were provided to 20 respondents of the Loan Department. This research focused on their opinions and experiences as they are the ones who constantly coordinate with other departments of Bank Sohar.


Managerial Implications and Hierarchical Structure Impact to Knowledge Sharing Culture

            The Loan Department of Bank Sohar is an active department because it coordinates with other divisions to discuss the loans, credit collection, release of loans, and so on. This means that the Loan Department can readily access the different processes followed by individual departments. In the same manner, the Loan Department can provide an overview on what's been wrong with other departments and what must be done to improve the system. In the flow of knowledge, the primary concern is how managers perceive knowledge. Managers may have different understanding of knowledge due to informational, managerial and cultural issues. In the same manner, managers play an active role in creating or spurring the development of the knowledge sharing culture of the organization.
            Based on this simple logical assertion, it is important to consider the fact that the Loan Department of Bank Sohar is maintained by several senior executives. In the same manner, the Loan Department is also composed by several managers in the branches of the financial institution. The Loan Department, in itself, is a complex one. Members of respective branch Loan Department must provide their knowledge or thoughts to their manager before the same knowledge reach the headquarter's Loan Department head or executive. With this, it is important to note that in the managerial implications of hierarchical structure, there is already a problematic with regards to the conduct of knowledge flow.
            Furthermore, it must be noted that the manager has the authority and responsibility in bringing together the players of the Loan Department. But due to the geography of the scope, the Loan Department executive is directly bumping against the managerial implications of each branch. This just proves that the structure of the organization affects the development of a knowledge sharing culture. When the structure is thin and is simple, it is easy for members of the Loan Department or the branch's loan officer to contact the executive of the Loan Department to suggest certain information that can help to streamline processes and improve the way the department communicates or interacts with its customers.

Technological Implications to Knowledge Sharing

            According to Courtney et al. (1997), most of the times KM system failed because of omitting the unimportant. While investments were made on technology, Bank Sohar has not utilized technology to build a network within the organization. The focus of the bank is to ensure that customers are provided for with speedy processes through technology. However, it fails to realize that in a service-oriented organization, there is a need for the empowerment of employees who are essential in delivering the service to customers. As a result, technologies are just used in a vertical manner to reach customers and not horizontally to reach departments and members of the organization.
            Mainly, technological issues stem from the question on horizontal connection. If done, it will build a question on security. When information is passed from a branch to another, security may become a strong point of debate. However, it must be noted that in the sharing of knowledge (through information) to another person, communication channels may be already available. Bank Sohar already has its internal email communication system, its own telecommunication channels, and its own forums. However, employees of the Loan Department are not able to use this to share knowledge because of the isolation. They just keep on sharing financial figures and reports, but there is no policy for a demand of sharing important knowledge to the Loan Department executive.
            Secondly, there is a need for the Loan Department to formulate parameters on codifying knowledge into information that can be shared with other members of the organization. With the aid of these parameters, information will not be isolated or killed by managers of each branch even before reaching the top management of the Loan Department. This means that the Loan Department is already built for sharing and with the parameters, employees will be encouraged to share knowledge with executives without fear of scrutiny from their direct branch manager who may have other perceived value of knowledge.

Conclusion & Recommendations

            Based on the analysis of the information provided by the respondents of this research, there are three important things being concluded. First, while hierarchical structure of  the organization may not be eliminated due to the complexity of functions, there is a direct link between structure and technology. Technology can be used to reduce the gaps of the structure and to move the structure in a flexible manner. Second, technology is better explained in terms of communication impact, rather than just being tools in the KMS. Due to the fact that knowledge sharing is about communication, there is a need to use technology for that purpose and not just a structural support. Technology must be used a personal communication tool to allow the flow of information from one person to another because systems are always dependent on people.
            With this, the following recommendations must be considered to improve the flow of knowledge in the Loan Department of Bank Sohar and to build a knowledge culture within the financial institution to create a sustainable environment.
            Loan Department Close Integration. A clear problem of the Loan Department is the fact that it is not directly linked with its loan officers. Due to the fact the each branch is handled by a manager, the Loan Department has to rely on the information provided by the manager, rather than getting information from the loan officers of the branch. According to Hutchins (1997), there is always a need to get information from those who know the process and will need the decision. By creating a structural line between the Loan Department and the loan officers of each branch, the department will be able to create  a better KMS.
            Communication Channels. Existing technologies should be used for the organization's Loan Department. In this regard, the loan officers of the branch are oftentimes limited to the vertical process. To improve the process, it is important to make the most of the horizontal process. Rather than having the manager communicating with the Loan Department, it is time for the Loan Department to get a chance to communicate with the loan officers. The branch manager should allow this process to ensure better KMS for the organization.
            It is always necessary for the Loan Department to build a strong correlation between structure and technology. It is time for the sustainable environment of Bank Sohar. KMS should be able to grow and develop into a better one from time to time and must not stop upon reaching its apex.


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